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Mental Health Awareness Month Uk 2024

Mental Health Foundation

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Join the Movement

13th - 19th May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 is taking place from 13th to 19th May, and the theme this year is Movement. The Mental Health Foundation, which runs the campaign, has chosen this theme to highlight the importance of physical activity for mental well-being.

Research has shown that regular exercise can help to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost self-esteem. It can also help to improve sleep quality, which is essential for good mental health.

During Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, the Mental Health Foundation is encouraging people to get involved in physical activity in whatever way they can. This could involve joining a gym, going for a walk or run, or simply doing some gardening.

The charity is also launching a new campaign called No Mind Left Behind, which aims to raise awareness of the mental health needs of people from marginalized groups. This campaign will include a series of events and activities throughout Mental Health Awareness Week.

If you are interested in getting involved in Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, there are a number of ways to do so. You can:

  • Share your stories and experiences of mental health on social media using the hashtag #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
  • Organize or attend a fundraising event
  • Volunteer your time to a mental health charity
  • Educate yourself about mental health by reading articles, watching documentaries, or attending workshops

By getting involved in Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, you can help to raise awareness of the importance of mental health and break down the stigma that surrounds it.

Mental Health Foundation
