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European Election Program 2024

European Election Program 2024

AfD Presents Goals for Europe

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The AfD has released its election program for the 2024 European elections, laying out its vision for Europe's future. The program, titled "Our Program for a Europe of Freedom," outlines the party's plans for increased border protection, a more restrictive stance on abortion, and a critical approach to the European Union.

The AfD's European election program includes proposals to:

  • Strengthen the protection of Europe's external borders
  • Limit abortion to exceptional cases
  • Reduce the power of the European Union

The AfD's program has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised it as a bold and necessary plan to protect Europe's identity and values. Others have criticized it as an extremist agenda that would damage Europe's unity and prosperity.

The AfD is one of several far-right parties that have gained ground in recent European elections. The party's success reflects the growing dissatisfaction among some voters with the European Union and its policies. The AfD's election program provides a glimpse into the future of Europe and the challenges that the European Union will face in the years to come.
